Policies & Best Practices
- "Non-Refundable Earnest Money" Language
- Agent Exit / Separation Policies
- Agent Success Managers (ASM Team)
- Buyer Agent Commission Policies - Cooperating Agents
- Buyer Representation Policies & Best Practices
- General Policies & Best Practices
- Getting Paid
- How to Deliver the IABS in Email (Signature, Body, etc...)
- Inspector / Vendor Conflicts of Interest & Biases
- Leasing, Lease Invoices, & Payment
- Option Period Extension & Fee Amount
- Seller Representation Policies & Best Practices
- Team Brand Identity
- Team Eligibility & Team Building Philosophy
- Understanding Our Graduated Commission Structure
- Working as an Intermediary (Double Dipping)
- Working with Unrepresented Buyers as a Listing Agent