Tips for Showing Buyers
There was a great conversation in our FB group about best practices when showing buyers. Here it is distilled:
- Buyers brains turn to mush after viewing 5-6 homes and they all start running together.
- It's much better to have 2 appointments of 4 to show 8 homes rather than trying to cram them all into one appointment.
- "2 appointments is better than 1" allows you to separate your days into AM and PM showing "shifts". I always told buyers that sellers don't like showing on Sunday mornings, so this means you have 3 "shifts" per weekend to fill.
- If you absolutely must show more than ~6 homes due to a relocation "house hunting trip" then schedule a lunch break.
- When working with a new buyer client, show them *neighborhoods* first, let them pick their favorite neighborhood(s), and then start focusing on the actual houses in those neighborhoods.
- "Top 3" is a great strategy for organization. Continue to rank your top house, second, and third faves.
- Paper is a groundbreaking technology that allows us to very easily organize the "top 3". Crumple up and throw away the homes that aren't in the top 3. (Or mark through them.)