Setting Expectations: Under-Promise & Over-Deliver

Under-promise and Over-deliver, Always

In real estate, setting clear and realistic expectations with clients is essential to creating a five-star experience. While it may feel natural, especially as a salesperson, to paint a rosy picture of the situation, doing so can backfire when things don’t go as smoothly as expected. Instead, it’s always better to under-promise and over-deliver.

When setting expectations, it’s important to establish realistic outcomes from the start. This includes discussing the realistic worst-case scenario. By helping clients come to terms with what could go wrong early in the process, you ensure that they are prepared for any potential setbacks. Fortunately, most of the time, the worst-case scenario doesn’t happen, and clients are often pleasantly surprised when outcomes exceed expectations. This is how you over-deliver.

For example, when showing homes, set a boundary such as, “I can always get you into a property with at least 24 hours’ notice.” If you then manage to show the property sooner, your client will be delighted. Conversely, if you promise immediate access and then fall short, you risk disappointing them. It’s better to promise realistically and deliver more than expected.

Another common scenario is during inspection negotiations. You should inform your clients that you’ll ask for everything on their list and do your best to fight for it. However, let them know that sellers may not always agree to all their requests. By setting this expectation early, your clients are prepared for the possibility that negotiations won’t go their way, and if things work out better, you’ve successfully over-delivered.

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