
We send regular newsletters to your leads and past clients on your behalf, from you, on a regular basis. We send a newsletter at least once per month, often twice per month, and sometimes more. These are always specific to the Austin Metro Area and the content is unique. Your clients will love your newsletters and you will be able to track new business and referrals as a result of them.

Who receives these newsletters?

Anyone who is assigned to you in FUB will receive a newsletter from you. Anyone you tag "No Newsletter" in FUB will not receive it.

How do I get started?

Add people to FollowUpBoss and they'll receive the newsletter! You always want to make sure that your FUB database is complete. (They have a bulk upload feature that makes this a breeze!)

What if I don't want someone to receive newsletters?

If you don't want a client or past client to receive a newsletter, add the tag "No Newsletter" to them in FUB and they'll never receive any.

What if I don't want my database to receive a specific newsletter?

We recommend that you don't overthink things and just send every newsletter to your database. However, we do send any newsletter to everyone at Bramlett Residential for review prior to sending it. We'll send a newsletter to you before noon the day before it goes out to your clients. If you don't want the newsletter sent to your database, then you can let us know and we'll exclude your DB from that send.

What if I don't want one client to receive a specific newsletter?

We can't accommodate a request to exclude one client from a specific newsletter, but you can "hack" it. Just add the "No Newsletter" tag to the client before the newsletter is sent and then remember to remove the tag later.

Can I see when people open the newsletter?

Absolutely! All email opens and clicks are tracked. You'll be able to see which leads and sphere clients have read your newsletter, so you can follow up (or reach out) to them. This is part of your FUB Daily Workflow. We have two great Smart Lists you can check for this!

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