Sending Gifts with Sphere Nurture

Building out your SOI database and sending gifts through Sphere Nurture

Step 1 - Do you have everyone in your database rated A+, A, etc?

You want to come up with a rating system that works for your database. Think about how you want to rate clients and what the rating means to you as far as sending gifts and the type of client they are. Whatever "rating key" you come up with, be consistent.

    • Here is an example of a "rating key" you could create for yourself:
      • A+ clients are clients that have sent me referrals
      • A clients are great clients
      • B clients are good clients

Step 2 - Do you have your client's birthdays and any kids or pet's info (if applicable)?

We strongly encourage you to reach out to clients and get their birthday information (and kids birthdays as well - if they are willing to share). This is a great way to celebrate your clients and help maintain meaningful connections.

Below is a template you can use to reach out to past clients asking for their birthdays. Adjust accordingly with additional information you might need (spouse birthdays, kids birthdays, etc.) :

SUBJECT: Quick Question


I hope you're doing great! This year, I've made it a goal to say "thanks" to all of my clients and friends for their past business and support. I really enjoyed working with you and would love to send you a gift on your birthday to say thanks. Would you mind sending me your birthday so that I can do this? (Birth year isn't necessary. LOL)
Also, would you prefer that I send your "thanks" gift to your work or home? I've found that work is usually easier if you don't work from home. If that's better, please send over that address.
Thanks so much!

Step 3 - Do you have mailing addresses set up?

In order for gifts to be sent to your clients, it's important to have a mailing address in the system for them. Without a mailing address, we don't know where to send gifts. If you have an address in FUB for a client, it will sync with Sphere Nurture and mark the address as the mailing address. However, it's important to note that if the address listed is an investment property, you will need to make sure that you also have a mailing address in the system, so that gifts aren't incorrectly sent to an investment property.

Step 4 - Do you have Home Purchase Anniversaries?

During the initial database build out, you will want to add an event to Sphere Nurture for Closing Anniversaries (specifying whether it is for buyers or sellers). We encourage you to prioritize adding the dates of Closing Anniversaries for Buyers vs Closing Anniversaries for Sellers.

After your initial database has these events added, we will go in and add this data for you as part of the close out process.

Step 5 - Do you have default gifts set up?

Did you set default gift preferences for each event that you would like to send clients gifts for? Based on the system that you came up with, you can decide what ratings receive what gift. You can subscribe to our company defaults or set your own gift preferences.

Step 6 - Are you personalizing gifts each month?

While we encourage you to set 'blanket gift preferences' for each event, you can also go in and personalize the gifts for specific individuals. For example, if you set your birthday gift preference as cake balls, but wanted to send someone who is gluten free a non-edible birthday gift, you can override the gift preference for that person and set a custom gift.

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