Staging & Photography Pricing Guidance / Guidelines
*This is policy for company leads and a best practice for personal business. More info here.
Notes + Goals
- The primary goal is to streamline the decision-making process for marketing packages. Budgeting guidelines allow you to quickly reference what type and pricing you should pitch to the seller prior to your first meeting.
- The secondary goal is to reinforce to everyone that your primary value is in your expertise and guidance. Sellers are often impressed by whatever expensive marketing packages you pitch to them, but that’s not why they hire you. They hire you because you’re in the top 1% with regard to your expertise and guidance, not because of fancy staging and pics. Staging and great photos are one part of what successfully sells a property.
- We highly recommend always paying for staging for 30-60 days. You will win more listings and it helps sell houses. It’s reasonable to ask a seller to pay any extensions and it’s reasonable to ask a seller who wants a commission discount to pay for staging
- Receipts will now be required to be uploaded in RealScale for reimbursable expenses on company listings.
Photograph Pricing Guideline
- <$600k = <$200
- $600k to $800k = <$250
- $800k to $1.2M = <$300
- $1.2M to $2M = <$500
- $2M+ = <$1000
Staging Consultation Pricing Recommendations & Company Listing Reimbursements – Occupied Properties
- $0 to $1.2M = Recommended up to $250 (Company listing reimbursement up to $125)
- $1.2M to $1B = Recommended up to $500 (Company listing reimbursement up to $250)
- If a property is vacant, the stager should provide improvement recommendations as part of the staging package. There should never be an additional charge for staging consultation on a vacant stage.
Vacant Property Staging Pricing Recommendations & Company Listing Reimbursements
- <$600K = Recommended up to $1,000 (Company listing reimbursement up to $500)
- $600K-$800K = Recommended up to $2,200 (Company listing reimbursement up to $1,100)
- $800K-$1.2M = Recommended up to $2,750 (Company listing reimbursement up to $1,375)
- $1.2M-$2M = Recommended up to $4,000 (Company listing reimbursement up to $2,000)
- $2M+ = needs discussion (too many variables)
Edge Cases
There are lots of edge cases. Estate sales, distressed properties, sellers who are adamant about a full stage at a lower price point, etc… When you can anticipate an edge case, call someone and use the hive mind ahead of time. When you run into an edge case that you didn’t anticipate, let them know that you’ll get back to them ASAP with a decision, then call someone and/or use the hive mind.