Webform, Chat, & Email Leads

Roughly half of our inbound leads come in via webform, human-reviewed chat, or email. When this happens, the leads are routed through FollowUpBoss and are then assigned to the Leads Duty agents. Leads Duty agents are on round robin assignments, meaning you automatically get every other lead.

It's crucial to check your FUB notification settings

Check that your FUB notification settings are correctly notifying you via app, desktop, web, text, and email. Leads will automatically assign in a round-robin setting (back and forth between the two Leads Duty agents.)

What if the lead is junk?

Plenty of junk and webspam makes it through and will be automatically assigned to you. This is very normal and there is no way to prevent it. When you determine that a lead is junk, assign it to the agent "Trasy Ledbetter", which is where we put our "Trash Leads".

What if there isn't much information or I'm not sure if it's junk?

If there is a phone number, call and text. If there is an email address, send an email. Many buyers will only fill out their contact information and then wait for an agent to contact them.

What if I don't want to work the lead?

If you're assigned a lead that you don't want to work, or if you make contact with a lead and discover that they're not in your service area, then pass it on. You can assign the lead directly to an agent who is a good fit, or you can assign the lead to one of the "Buyer" ponds.

Seller Leads to Listing Team

Sometimes a seller lead will be incorrectly assigned to the buyer Leads Duty. When this happens, you must pass it to the Listing Team. The easiest way to do this is to forward the email notification to sellerleads@bramres.com or to take a screenshot of the lead to sellerleads@bramres.com. The Listing Team also has lead duty, and whoever is currently on duty will get the lead.

Speed to Lead and Call, Text, Email

The easiest way to more easily convert leads is to call, text, and email them within 5 minutes of receiving the lead. It is literally that simple.

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