How to Unsubscribe From a Brokerage's Email System When it isn't Working

There are many brokerages that provide email systems to their agents that facilitate spam and you have to unsubscribe to each agent one-by-one. This is annoying to many agents and it's frustrating that you can't US at the company level. However, using gmail filters, you can solve this problem quickly and easily.

1. Identify the Problematic Emails

  • Locate the promotional email in your inbox that you want to filter out.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the email to find unique disclaimer language or footer text that is specific to these types of emails.
    • Note: This language often doesn’t appear in regular emails from the same sender.

2. Copy the Unique Footer Text

  • Highlight the unique text at the bottom of the promotional email.
  • Copy this text to use it for setting up a filter.

3. Use the Search Function

  • Open your email client and paste the copied text into the search bar.
  • Enclose the text in quotation marks (e.g., "unique footer text" ) to ensure an exact match.
  • Run the search to identify all similar emails in your inbox.

4. Create a Filter

  • Once the search results populate:
    1. Select the option to create a filter or rule (usually available in your email settings or next to the search bar).
    2. Set the filter criteria to match emails containing the unique footer text.
    3. Choose your preferred action:
      • Delete: Automatically delete emails that match the filter.
      • Skip Inbox/Archive: Skip the inbox and store the emails in your archive.
      • Label: Apply a specific label to organize these emails for reference.

5. Apply the Filter to Existing Emails

  • During the filter creation process, ensure the option to apply the rule to existing emails is selected.
  • This will remove or archive the emails already in your inbox.

6. Save the Filter

  • Confirm the filter setup and save the changes.
  • Future emails matching this filter will be automatically processed according to your selected actions.

7. Optional Adjustments

  • If you don’t want to delete the emails outright:
    • Set the filter to archive or label them instead.
    • This keeps the emails accessible without cluttering your inbox.
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