Bailey's (New) Responsibilities

Ongoing / Whirlwind
  • Answer agent questions and put out fires.
    • Note: Batch email. Take time to get back to agents on questions that are not true emergencies. (90% are not true emergencies.) You'll find that most agents find the answers to their own questions.
    • Note: Refer to internal docs any time we can. Refer to Culture Code any time we can.
  • Interview recruits as needed.
  • Identify organizational debt and send it to Eric.
  • Brainstorm/collaborate with Eric.
  • Meet with agents, scheduled phone calls with agents.
  • As needed: Lead an OKR meeting if necessary.

  • Morning Outreach / Congrats
    • “First part of the day” is to check RS for new contracts you should text to congratulate an agent on and to check Facebook to see who has birthdays and you should text or comment.
  • Scheduled Agent Outreach Phone Calls
    • See Weekly task below. You'll email agents to schedule phone calls for check-ins.


  • Check-in with every agent (who doesn't obviously not want to be checked on.)
  • Agent License Renewals
  • One "weird" class per month
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