Note: This is only relevant for Bramlett Residential staff.
Agents, if they need to quickly get a message about a listing (or anything else), can simply shoot an email to This emails Alex, Brianna, Rida, Sam, and Alyson, and they then process whatever needs to be done, and they make notes in TXFY.
Information for the Bramlett Residential staff
If you see an email to the email address, and know that the email/request is something that you, in particular, should handle, please immediately reply all with an "I've got this" or some confirmation that you have received the request and are completing the task. This will let the other team members know that you are handling the task.
Every email request needs to be claimed by whichever team member should handle the request. If you think this is something you may need to handle, but are uncertain, please ask the listing coordinator to confirm. If an email is purely informational, then please simply confirm receipt of it.
For example, if it's Monday and an agent emails to
Please reduce price on Kerbey Ln to $349,900.
Thank you!
Sam will see this and know that price reductions are his task. So he'll reply all with a confirmation like "I've got this, reducing price today!", and then the rest of the team members will know that the task is being handled. Then Sam will make a task to complete the price reduction.
If you see a task that you know, or think, that someone else should complete, but they have not claimed it yet, and it's been several hours or a day since the email was sent, please feel free to send a message 'Hey {{TEAM MEMBER}}, can you please cover this one?'
Each staff member will need to make a point to communicate well on these emails to ensure they never fall through.
If any email falls through, it's a failure on the part of the entire team, so we want to make sure every email is covered.