
Here's some info on setting up a good home workspace. Many of us, myself included, work from home so it's important to get a great space set up that allows us to focus well.

Here are some helpful notes! We've included notes on items that are requirements, the rest are suggestions.

  • Requirement: Please make sure you have a quiet designated work-only space. This is probably the most important thing; having a space where work is your only focus is absolutely key. It's important this is an area of the home where you may be free of distractions from family members, friends, partners, roommates.
  • Requirement: Make your space organized & comfortable & make sure you have good lighting. A clean workspace works wonders for making work time enjoyable, focused, and good for mental health.
  • Requirement: Blocking time for yourself is key. Please be sure to set aside your 8 hours of "work time" specifically and only for work, and make a habit to treat that time consistently as your productivity time.
  • Requirement: Please never multitask. It's scientifically-backed that multitasking is terrible for productivity (there's also no such thing as multitasking, it's really just constantly switching between multiple tasks and being less effective at all of them).
  • Requirement: No internet connection is never an excuse for any of us remote workers to not work. Please make sure to go ahead & locate a cafe or alternative work space with internet in case your connection goes out.
  • Requirement: Slow computer = bad workflow. If you find your computer is slowing you down, please let us know and we can assist on setting it up so that it's not bottle necking your workflow. We can either give options on good computers to purchase, or assist in installing a lightweight Linux distribution on your existing machine that will make the best of your computer's processing power.
  • More monitor space = more productivity, something which is definitively backed by research. If you don't have a second monitor, we highly recommend investing in one.
  • Instrumental music or silence is scientifically proven to be good for focus, please feel free to listen to music. Funnily enough, video game soundtracks are particularly good (it's music that's designed to keep people focused for hours without being distracting).
  • Please get some movement in for around for at least 5 minutes every hour, it's good for health and for focus.
  • Get a good chair if you don't have one! Also good for health/posture/focus.
  • Standing desks (there are also inexpensive standup desk convertors which can be laid on top of a normal desk) are also great for health & focus. I use a standing desk and it's absolutely been a boost for my focus and health.
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