Handling Support Requests

We're training our agents to always email support@bramres.com when they need help with something. This is an email group where multiple people will receive the email. Right now, Bailey, Marelise, and Shelby are on this group. In the future, we will probably add more people (likely a VA.)

Support Email Batches

The support@ group is encouraged to email batch support requests that way we aren't constantly monitoring them. Our current email batch times are as follows:
  • 10:00am - 11:00am (Shelby)
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm (Marelise)
  • 2:00pm - 3:00pm (Shelby)
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm (Marelise)
  • Shelby and Marelise both check one final time before logging off at 5:00pm
  • Bailey does not batch, but responds to support requests Shelby and Marelise can't answer or that come in over the weekends.

Internal Communication

Whenever someone emails support@ it's important for everyone in the group to know that it's being handled. Here's how we want to handle it:

If you're handling it and you're certain you know how to solve the problem:
Email the agent back with your response. BCC support@bramres.com on that email. Add "Moved support@ to bcc" to the salutation of the message. Example:
Hi {agent name}! (support@moved to bcc) -

If you're handling it and you're pretty sure you know how to solve the problem:
Email the agent back with your response. BCC support@ on the email. Add "Support@ in bcc. Please let me know if you have anything to add. Example:
Hi {agent name} -

Support@ in bcc. Please let me know if you have anything to add. {Start typing rest of message}

If you don't know how to handle it:
Wait an appropriate amount of time for someone else to solve the problem. If you've waited a bit and no one has solved it, then forward the message to support@bramres.com and let everyone know that you don't know how to handle it.

If you handled it offline (meaning you called, texted, or Facebook Grouped the agent):
Forward the message to support@ and let everyone know it's handled.

How to Respond to Support Requests

Our goal is to always direct the agents to the Company Guide Search when possible. If an agent emails and asks us what the recommended Listing Agreement Special Provisions are, then you want to direct them to the search (not the direct link.) here's how I would respond:

Hi {agent name} (support@ moved to bcc) -

Great question! You can find the Listing Agreement Special Provisions on the Company Guide by searching for them here: https://bramlettresidential.com/search-company-guide/?CGsearch=listing+agreement+special+provisions

Here they are:
{paste in the provisions directly}

What if we can't find the answer in the CG?

If you can't find the info in the Company Guide (and it's something that we actually can and should document, which isn't always the case), then do the following:
Answer the agent's question via email. Use a quick video (loom) if it makes sense or just type out a response.
Add a task in Basecamp under this list to create documentation in the CG. https://3.basecamp.com/5034897/buckets/21560235/todolists/5005275683 We will continuously prioritize this list and add documentation.

What if the info is in the CG, but it's hard to find?

Sometimes the information is in the Company Guide, but it's hard to find it because it doesn't search well. Maybe the title doesn't have the keyword in it. Maybe the agent used a funny way to search. They were looking for a painter but they searched painting.

Title, Meta Description, & Tags
Here's what the search results display:


We also manually add "tags" to the bottom of many pages/posts. Here's how you do all of this:


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