Level 1 Customer Support

You'll be monitoring support, handling what you can, and forwarding things where they need to go. Your messages to the agents need to be courteous, kind, and welcoming. To better understand how to communicate, review the closed tickets in HS.

We have an ongoing list of problems/hanlings here: Google Sheet Link

You have 1 of 4 actions to take every time a new support ticket comes in. You must complete one of these within the first hour of the ticket's arrival.

  1. Ask the agent for more information because the ticket was not clear enough to resolve.
  2. Solve the problem immediately and notify the agent that it's solved.
  3. Reassign to the correct person and notify the agent it's been reassigned to the correct person.
  4. Tell the agent you're researching the problem more and then ask questions until you know what to do with it.
    1. Figure out what to do with it and then do it!

*In every scenario here, the agent has been notified of action within 1 hour.

If an agent doesn't respond to your request for more information within 24 hours, message them and ask them if it's still a problem. Let them know you'll close it out the following day if you haven't heard from them. Message template:

Hi {agent} - 
Just checking in to see if this is still an issue. To keep things tidy, we'll close the ticket out tomorrow if we haven't heard from you (but we absolutely want to help you with this!)

Situation #2:
Notifying agents when you're doing work for them
Desmond and I emailed about this outside of support tickets today. He mailed JC his t-shirts on Tuesday and didn't tell anyone. I didn't know it was handled and JC didn't know it was handled. It was in the back of my mind since Tuesday and I don't know if JC thought about it or not, but maybe. JC and I both would have been super grateful to know that Desmond was incredibly prompt and had everything mailed on Tuesday. (He called me about something else today and was super grateful and surprised that they showed up today.) Very easy way to make agents happy and score brownie points. Stop and let them know you've handled their issue.

There were a few support tickets that were assigned to the correct person through notes, and the agent had no idea. This is a bad experience for the agent, and saving ~1m isn't worth it. Consider the following experiences:

John Agent puts in a support ticket at 9am. Support Agent sees it at 9:30am and assigns it to the correct person, but doesn't say anything. The correct person handles the ticket at 1pm. John Agent thinks it took 4 hours to handle his request.

John Agent puts in a support ticket at 9am. Support Agent sees it at 9:30am and assigns it to the correct person, also emailing John Agent to let him know that it's handled by being forwarded to the correct person. Correct Person handles it at 1pm. John Agent thinks it took 30 minutes to handle.

Sometimes it takes the Correct Person longer to handle the problem or that person has to ask more questions. In that instance, this is still far superior b/c John Agent doesn't feel like we ignored his request for 4 hours before getting to it.


  • Please be aware that Email Deliverability issues are always critical issues. "My email isn't sending" needs to be looked at.
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