Creating Neighborhood and Area Profile Pages
1) Create the page in Wordpress
2) Research to find good resource links
3) Create 500 words of copy using ChatGPT. Here is the prompt to use:
Can you please write a 500-750 word profile over the neighborhood
{INSERT NEIGHBORHOOD} in {INSERT CITY/SUBURB}, Texas}. Please include information about the homes that are available for sale, the elementary school, middle school, high school, the location, and what it's nearby in terms of entertainment, restaurants, and conveniences. Please be very specific with regard to what's nearby and include the names of the things that you're referencing. Include why people like living there. Please reference which school district the neighborhood is in. Do not put the school information in the first paragraph. Do not reference prices of real estate. Do not reference "families", "family-friendly," "family", or "family friendly". Please write it clearly and succinctly using descriptive text that is succinct. Please use the following resources and any other great resources you find
4) Add the content to the page:
5) Add the listings via generated short code. The criteria will be provided to you. Sometimes, we may just provide the short code for you.
6) Edit the SEO Title Tag
{area/neighborhood} Homes for Sale | {area/neighborhood} Real Estate | {Parent Name}, TX Agents
Example: Holly District at
Note that the parent page is "East Austin"
Holly District Homes for Sale | Holly District Real Estate | East Austin, TX Agents