Send FUB Q&A Reminder Emails

When: At 8:00am CST on the day we have a FUB Q&A scheduled. These are usually quarterly and take place on Wednesday.

  • Check the calendar on Monday to see if a FUB Q&A is scheduled for that Wednesday.
  • These will say "FUB Q&A (Hosted by Ashley Lowe)"
  • If one is scheduled, write reminder email
  • Schedule send the email for Wednesday at 8:00am CST

Email Recipients:
(as of 4/19/23)

Email Template:
Reminder: FUB Q&A Today at 10:00am
Good morning,

Just a reminder that we have a FUB Q&A today with Ashley Lowe at 10:00am. 

This will be on Zoom and here's the link: (INSERT LINK FROM CALENDAR INVITE)

Thanks and hope to see you there!
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