Send AMA Reminder Emails

Send 2 reminder emails asking agents to submit questions for the AMA host.

At 8:00am CST on the Friday before a scheduled AMA and the morning of scheduled AMA

  • Reference the "BramRes Office" Google Calendar
  • Write email using the below guidelines
  • The Google Form and Google Meet links will be in the calendar event
  • Schedule send email for Friday at 8:00am CST and Monday at 8:00am CST

Email Recipients:
(as of 4/19/23)

Email Templates:

The Friday before -
Subject: AMA Questions for (HOST NAME'S) AMA on (DATE)
Good morning everyone!

(HOST NAME, ROLE) is hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) this coming Monday, (TYPE OUT DATE) at 10:00am.

Please submit questions for (HOST NAME) here: (INSERT GOOGLE FORM LINK)

Here is the link to the Google Meet: (INSERT GOOGLE MEET LINK)

Thank you!

The morning of -
Subject: AMA Questions for (HOST NAME'S) AMA Today
Good morning,

Just a reminder that (HOST NAME, ROLE) with is hosting an AMA today at 10:00am.

Please submit questions for (HOST NAME) here: (INSERT GOOGLE FORM LINK)

Here is the link to the Google Meet: (INSERT GOOGLE MEET LINK)

Thank you!

Potential Hosts & Their Roles:
  • Eric Bramlett
  • Adrienne Laosa - our preferred property manger
  • Ashley Lowe - our FUB account manager
  • Max Leamann - one of our preferred lenders
  • Sharon Barney - one of our preferred lenders
  • Randy Barfield - our preferred home inspector

Sample Email (what it should actually look like):


***This was around Thanksgiving so I included that note to make it more personal, do not include regularly.***
***This was also when we used Zoom, now we use Google Meet***
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