Send Monthly Recommended Classes Email

We let agents know about recommended classes scheduled for the upcoming month via email.

When: Send the email on the third Friday of the month, for the next month. If announcing for March 2023, we'd want the email to go out on Friday, February 24th, 2023.

What classes are included?
Only classes on the calendar with the title "ABOR Class: ________" or "Recommended Class: _________"
(The Bramlett classes should be included in the Monthly Office Events email instead.)

Where do I find these events?
On the "BramRes Office" Google Calendar

What information do I include in the announcement?
  • When/Where/What
  • Who is hosting the class
  • Location
  • Registration link

  • Look at the "BramRes Office" Google Calendar the last week of the month
  • Write email using below guidelines
  • Send or schedule send for Friday of that week

Email Recipients:
(as of 4/19/23)

Email Template:
Subject: Recommended Classes for (MONTH)
{Hey guys!

We've added the following recommended classes to the office calendar for (MONTH):

Class Title: Date and Time
Name of host
Location (if virtual, type "Virtual class")
Link to register

[Repeat above for all recommended classes on the calendar.]

Please note, all of these details are included in each calendar event.

Some helpful information for ABOR recommended classes:

  • Registration is required for all classes and is open until 11:59pm the night before the scheduled class.
  • Seats are limited, even for virtual classes. If a class is full, seats will open up in real time if someone cancels.
  • All classes start promptly. Please be sure to log in on time.

Thank you!
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