Keep Franchise Tax Accounts Active

I added all of our accounts that I have the webfile number for, to an online account.
Check on accounts monthly, here:

  • If there is no Franchise Tax due on an account, Michael needs to file a "No Tax Due Report".
  • If we are late, we need to have Micahel file and pay the fee due on the account.
  • If we receive a notice stating that our account has been forfeited follow these steps:
    • To satisfy all requirements to reinstate your entity, first submit these items to the Comptroller’s office.
      • Step 1. File any Annual Franchise Tax and (Public or Ownership) Information Report forms.
      • Step 2. Pay any tax, penalty and interest payments due.
      • Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before continuing to Step 3.
      • Step 3. Complete and submit Form 05-391, Tax Clearance Letter Request for Reinstatement (PDF), via mail or online using Webfile.
      • Then, submit these items to the SOS (see Connecting with the Secretary of State section below).
      • Step 4. Submit Form 05-377, Tax Clearance Letter, once you receive it from the Comptroller’s office.
      • Step 5. Submit SOS reinstatement forms.
      • Step 6. Pay SOS filing fees.
  •  Can submit forms here: SOSDirect or SOSUpload and via fax or mail. Call 512-463-5555, email or visit for more information.
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