How to Deposit Checks

When receiving a new check, use the following spreadsheet to record check details:
2023 Spreadsheet here as an example:

We used to deposit checks at the Prosperity Bank off of Burnet Rd, but we now use a Keystone check scanner.
Marelise has a Treasy Dashboard with Keystone that we log into here:

To deposit a check, do the following:
  1. Receivables
  2. Remote Deposit Capture
  3. Launch
  4. Transactions
  5. Under "Check Processing" hit "Remote Deposit Complete"
  6. Create New Deposit
  7. In the "Deposit Name" box I usually type the property address
  8. "Number Of Checks" will be 1 at a time as we want the deposits to reflect individually in Wave so we can categorize them as single deposits
  9. Enter the total check amount
  10. Hit "Create"
  11. Place the check in the scanner
  12. Hit Complete
  13. Check the box and hit "Close Deposit"

The Lennar e-checks will have to be deposited at Keystone Bank in person as they get stuck in the scanner. Mobile deposit also doesn't work with those checks.
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