How To Audit Postcard Data

***Have design update the reviews for the prior year when a new year starts!!***
On the 3rd of every month (or the following Monday if the 3rd is on a weekend), Rida will send over all of the sold properties for the neighborhoods we send postcards to. We need to go through each neighborhood and audit the information she sent us to make sure it is accurate before we send the data to be printed off and mailed.

This is a VERY important task and can be really expensive if we get the wrong information printed and mailed out. Please take your time going through the data each month. Here is a video on the process:

Removed some neighborhoods as of 6/27/2022:

  • Wells Branch
  • Maple Run
  • Western Oaks
  • Leander 1
  • Buttercup Creek
  • Cherrywood
  • Plum Creek
  • Hometown Kyle
  • South Austin 1-78745
  • South Austin 2-78745
  • South Austin 3-78745
  • Central Austin 1
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