Annual Goal Setting Meetings

***Special Note for 2026 Goal Setting***
We will order vision boards from Amazon for anyone who signs up.

Purpose, Etc
Goal setting is incredibly important for anyone. Many brokerages offer this to their agents and most get it wrong. Bad goal setting is simply "How much do you want to sell this year? Okay, how are you going to do it?" Brokerages who have goal setting considered "good" will ask their agents to break down their action steps (which we also do.) No one incorporates work/life balance and long term planning, which is absolutely critical.

Our Goals
  1. Goal setting helps our agents tremendously. We don't need any other reason than this. (But...)
  2. We prove massive value to our agents. (Retention + Growth)
  3. We build massive rapport with our agents. (Retention + Growth)
  4. We learn who's thriving and who needs help.
  5. We learn how our agents fit in with our company goals.
  6. We learn how we can better serve our agents.

Prior to the Meeting
  • Make a copy of the Goal Setting Prompts doc, label it for the agent and share it with them with edit permissions. Let them know that they need to complete this prior to the meeting (or the meeting won't be productive) and that it will take them 1-2 hours to complete.
  • Make a copy of the Goal Setting Questions / Summary document and label it for the agent.
    • Add their production and income, separated by Company/Personal into their sheet:
    • Were they not with Bramlett for a full year? Lots of agents were not. Email them and ask them for any production that wasn't with Bramlett. Add a note to the sheet.

The Goal Setting Meeting
  • Schedule the meeting for 1 hour. Add an extra 10 minutes onto your own schedule. If the meeting is running long (which you'll know at the ~45 min mark) let them know that you have an extra 10 minutes, but you have a hard stop then.
  • If they did not complete their worksheet, reschedule the meeting. Take ~15 min or so to answer any questions they may have over the worksheet, but just reschedule. There's absolutely no way you can get through the worksheet + goal setting in 1 hour (let them know as much.)

1) Expectation Setting + Goal: Tell them how happy you are that they participated. Let them know that we have a lot of experience with goal setting, but this is our first year to systemize it so that we can scale it. Mention Kaizen (make sure you understand it!) Let them know that you have your computer open in order to take notes and that you'll have a PDF sent to them by the end of the day with those notes. This will make future reviews + goal setting super cool!
*Let them know that they may have questions you can't answer. You're going to take notes over everything, including those questions. You'll email Eric and Bailey with those questions after the meeting and we will get their questions answered!

2) Current Year Results: Review their production and income results with them. It's helpful to have the RealScale Reports pulled up so that you can show them the numbers.
  • Specifically ask them about personal production and where it's coming from. Make a note of their top personal production source. Make sure to comment "you always want to keep doing what's working."
  • Continue asking questions, but let them talk and take notes and complete the "current year Results" section of the notes sheet.

3) 10 Year and 5 Year Vision: Okay, this is the fun part! (Tell them as much!)
Bill Gates has one of our favorite quotes, “Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.” Mention this.
  • Start with the 10-Year Vision. Some agents want to be retired or slow down. Some agents are ramping up. Agents will either want to have a team or not. We can help them with everything.
  • Move onto the 5-Year Vision. The 5-Year Vision should get them to their 10 year. The 5-year is closer, and so is what our next year's goals will build towards.
  • Lotsa notes!!!

4) Next Years Goals
  • Start with production. How much do they want to sell? Agents think in $ volume. Do the math and tell them how many units that is. Their goal should always be to increase their Personal production (unless they're winding down.) Company may be up or down, depending.
  • Organizational improvements mean Classes (office and other), designations, office meetings and accountability groups/masterminds.
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly routine: Talk with them about it. Do they have "me time", "family/friends time", etc scheduled? Are they doing their Daily F/U? Are they regularly attending meetings/classes/groups? Write down when.
  • Let them talk and listen. Take notes. Complete the Goal Setting Summary document.

5) Compile Notes, Make it look pretty, and Email It!!!

  • These meetings invite tons of questions. When you start moving into a tangent and answering a question that's going long, take a note and let them know we'll get them more details.
  • There are often times you want to set up a separate meeting. Let them know as much, take a note, and revisit it after this meeting.
  • Agents that are selling 30-40 units should hire an assistant. That production volume creates burnout. We've always been happy when we've made good hires (key being good.) We've always wished we made that hire earlier. If they are interested in hiring an assistant, they should schedule a separate meeting with Bailey and Eric. The first step is to put together what they'll have their assistant do. Most agents say "I don't have enough work!" but that's not the point of an assistant. An assistant's #1 value add is availability and covering for that agent.
  • There's a weird "no mans land" when agents are producing 20-30 units/year where they don't have enough work for an assistant, but they need help. Heavily using showing assistants helps a lot. This is a great first step. Agents who are in this production volume are our heavy hitters and you should pass along any thoughts they have over this to Eric & Bailey - get an email discussion going after the meeting and there's likely an in person or zoom meeting over this subject that should happen.
  • Newer agents often have aspirations to start a team. (It's a funny phenomenon that the successful agents usually stop thinking about this and don't want a team because they're making so much money and don't want management headache.) The path to start a team is to first get their own production to $10M+ through company and personal leads. Then, they get their personal production to $10M+. Then, they get their personal production to a point that they have deals they wish they could refer out. Then they start a team. Keller Williams, EXP, and most of the big brokerages get it wrong and 99% of their teams fail. Teams are very much not "Build the team then get the leads." Successful teams get the leads/business first, then they hire agents. Otherwise, you have a bunch of agents that don't have anything to do looking at you and saying "What do I do?" That's a massive headache and time suck.
  • Let's add more notes here with common questions you guys get.
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