Migrating Agent's Emails from @bramlettresidential to @bramlettre

Admin Process:

  1. Sign into Google Admin - https://admin.google.com
  2. Under Directory, select "Users"
  3. Find the user whose domain you want to change and select "Update User"
  4. Change email domain from @bramlettresidential.com to @bramlettre.com
  5. Save by selecting "Update User"
***@bramlettresidential.com will now become an alias***

Agent Process:

Gmail Updates:

  • In your email, select the gear in the top right hand corner and select "See all settings"
  • You should be under the "General" tab at top. Scroll down until you see "Signature"
  • Select the pencil to edit your email signature
  • Update your signature to reflect your new @bramlettre.com email
  • Your email likely has a hyperlink to it, so when you hover over your email, you will see two options "Change" and "Remove". Select change, and update the hyperlink to also reflect your new email


  • "Text to Display" and "To what email address should this link?" should both have your new @bramlettre.com email.


  • Make sure under "Signature Defaults", it says the name of your signature for "For New Emails Use" and "On Reply/Forward Use". If it says "No Signature", change it to the name of your email signature.


  • Scroll to the bottom and select "Save Changes"

FUB Updates:

  • In Follow Up Boss, go to the top right hand corner where you see your initials.
  • Click your initials and select "My Settings"
  • Scroll down to EMAIL
  • Update your Login Email to be your new @bramlettre.com email **You will not have to update your password. Changing your Login Email ONLY changes your username. Your password remains the same**
  • Update your Connected Email. You will need to select the blue Disconnect button to disconnect your old @bramlettresidential.com email


  • Reconnect your new email by selecting "Sign in with Google" and logging into your new @bramlettre.com email


  • After logging in, select "Allow" to give FUB permission to connect your email.
  • Be sure that "Share your emails" is selected. ***This is required if you are taking leads***


  • Then, under Signature, select the pencil icon to edit your Email Signature.
  • Update your signature to reflect your new @bramlettre.com email
  • Highlight your hyperlinked email address & select the hyperlink button


  • Update the hyperlink to reflect your new email address (Leave mailto: in the hyperlink) and select the blue "Insert Link" button


  • Scroll to the bottom and select "Save" to save all changes.
  • Scroll back up to the top and confirm that your VCARD reflects your new email

RealScale Updates:

  • In RealScale, go to the top right hand corner where you see your name
  • Click your name and select "Profile"
  • Scroll down to "Mailing" and update your FUB email to your new @bramlettre.com email


  • Update your email signature to reflect your new @bramlettre.com email ***If you have a picture in your email signature, your photo might look squished, but it's just the weird formatting...it fixes itself and will NOT show up squished in your emails***


  • Highlight your hyperlinked email and select the hyperlink button


  • Make sure that the "Display Text" and "E-Mail Address" match and that both have your new @bramlettre.com email


  • Scroll to the bottom and select "Update User"
  • After updating user, your Profile Details are shown. Confirm your signature has your new email address.

Mailtrack (now Mailsuite):

  • Confirm that Mailtrack (now Mailsuite) is still active on your email. The logo should be visible. If it's grayed out, you will need to give permission to allow email tracking.


  • If it's grayed out, click on the Mailtrack logo and select "Enable"


  • Select "Continue" and then "Allow" to give the extension permission to track emails.



  • Installation is complete and Mailtrack is now enabled on your new email.


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