Manage Bramlett Shop

Bramlett Marketing Assets:

We are currently selling our Listing Presentations, Buyer Guides, & Folders. These items can be found in the storage bin in the store room. The lock code is 1161.

The spreadsheet for prices and count can be found here.

Place marketing material orders with QuickPrint on Shoal Creek:
Contact: John Golding or Jenna

Invoices for Agents Purchasing Marketing Materials:

We use Stripe for billing purposes. Stripe can be accessed here:

Login Details:


Password: Bramlett2023!

We invoice agents for Marketing Materials, Austin Cake Ball and Tiff's Treats.

To create an invoice for a customer (agent) please watch the video below:

  • Before you autocharge a customer (agent), be sure to run it by them and ask if it's okay to do so.
  • Round up the Stripe Fee (2.9% + $0.30)
  • If the customer needs a receipt, you can provide it to them by doing the following:

Bramlett T-Shirts:

When ready to order new swag, please reach out to to gather more information like pricing and whether something is in stock. Kyle has our Bramlett logo so no need to provide him with it, unless it is changing. The order minimum is 36 per design.

Link to the website here:
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