Daily Sales Audit

The goal of the Daily Sales Audit is to identify agents who are not following our Lead Duty Expectations. This is primarily the Lead Conversion Secret Sauce (LCQ), but there are other expectations to be aware of and to spot. Beyond, the LCQ, watch out for:
  • Call recordings that are just generally bad. You will usually find problems you can point to in the Expectations. The agent likely didn't have a lead sheet, they didn't read the lead's inquiry (and weren't prepared for it) prior to an outbound call, or they're dismissive of a lead because they don't personally want to work it (price or location.)
  • In some cases, an agent may try to convince a lead to look at properties at an inconvenient time (for the lead) because the agent isn't available.
  • Agents send email templates without proofing them. The most common is that the email or text addresses the lead as "Jane Buyer" instead of "Jane" b/c the full name was imported as the first name. This shows you that the agent was being sloppy and not reviewing the email/text template before sending (and certainly not personalizing.)
  • Agents send the wrong email template - it's irrelevant or not sent at the appropriate time. (Maybe they send a super long email template full of info before they've even made contact.)
  • The agent doesn't personalize the template. They have info about the lead, but they don't add that info.

Rida's CallRail Audit
Rida sends an EOD email that has a list of Callrail recordings with corresponding FUB links (for easy reference.) Since this is sent EOD, it's great for you to start your day by auditing the audit! Look for:
  • An agent didn't enter a lead into FUB. Email the agent and ask what happened.
  • Look at the FUB links for each lead. Did the agent send the recap email, property searches, and expert area searches? In general, did the agent provide awesome value or could it be improved? Always look back to the LCQ and reference it.
  • Listen to calls when you think an agent may have a problem with performance. If the call didn't go great, then address it with the agent.

"New Leads" Smart List
Go to the People > New Leads Smart List. Here's a direct link. This is a Smart List of every new inquiry that has come to the agents in the past 7 days. This can be a new lead or it can be an inquiry from an old lead. You are looking for:
  1. Speed to Lead for Lead Duty Agents. Did they respond within 5 minutes or so?
  2. Call / Text / Email - This is extremely critical. Many agents just don't like to call or they call through their own phones. They must call through the dialer within 5 min. (Go ahead and listen to the call if they did call through the dialer and it makes sense.) If they don't reach them through the dialer, then they should send a text, then an email. Make sure all of this was done.
  3. Templates and messaging - Are they doing this correctly? Are they personalizing templates? Does their f/u communication make sense?
  4. When they do connect with the lead, are they sending Expert Searches and Expert Area Emails?

"F/U Now!" and "F/U Now 2!" Smart Lists
Go to the People > F/U Now! and F/U Now 2! Smart Lists. These are Smart Lists that show leads who have given f/u signals by opening emails or clicking through to the website and who are agents haven't followed up with in 7 days. Going through these lists will show you how well our agents are following up in general. Look for:

5. Agents who are generally not following up with their clients.

6. Agents who are "one and done'ing" new leads, meaning they try to contact them once and then don't try to contact them ever again.

7. Agents who don't ever follow up with old leads.

Lead Audit Inbound Emails
You're cc'ed on all leadaudit@bramres.com emails, which is a safety net for our inbound inquiries. You can look at these during your morning batch, but it also makes to check them throughout the day as you're thinking about it. Look for:

8. The easiest way to cross reference these is to paste the email or phone number from the form into FUB to see what happened with it.

9. Abandoned Forms. This is an ongoing systemic problem where our recaptcha is falsely tagging inquiries as spam and our Abandoned Forms feature then sends us what was attempted. We need to get a general gauge on these and see what's happening with them. (Eric has an idea on a permanent fix.)

10. Real Time problems with agents. The agents will know that we're monitoring them in the morning, but it's even more impactful to provide feedback in real time. Did they not follow processes 30 minutes ago? Reach out to them immediately.

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